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Sunday, May 5, 2019

Data Structure

Data Structure main topics:
Linked List
Array: is the best data structure in terms of accessing time as the time complexity of it is O(1) the time required to access any element of it is constant. Problem: Memory usage!

Linked List: 
is the best data structure in terms of memory management but in terms of accessing time is O(N). Problem: Accessing time- Time complexity is O(N)!

          - Simply Linked List.
          - Doubly Linked List.

Key Word to implement linked list is to draw it.
Each node in the linked list should be similar to all o them. As the struct (Node) is considered as a user-defined data type so each structure is a data type defined by the number and the type of its members. So we can not change the node structure as that means change the type of the pointer used within the node to point to the next node and the previous one.

Stack (Last In First Out (LIFO)):
* Push in Stack
             - Before pushing data we should make sure the stack is not full.
*Pop from Stack
             - Before popping from the stack we should make sure that the stack is not empty.

Stack use case:-
We can mirror a string by pushing it in a stack then popping it again.

3 Elements For the Stack:
- Pointer to the Top of Stack (TOS)
- Store Stack Size
- Store Data in Stack

So we need to implement Stack as :

typedef struct stack
       int *stkTos; /*Pointer to the top of the Stack*/
       int tos;  /**/
      int size;  /**/
