Analog to Digital Converter (ADC):
used to convert Analog signals to digital value.
Types of ADC:
1- Ramp Counter ADC:-
The idea behind this type of ADCs is that:
The Counter is Enabled by Zero (Active LOW). When the desired signal (Vin) > DAC output(which is a voltage too) the comparator output is Zero (0) Enabling the timer to continue to count. When the desired signal is equal to the DAC output, the comparator output is 1 disabling the counter from counting. The last value in the Counter is the digital representation of the analog signal.
The step size is the voltage difference between one digital level (i.e. 0001) and the next one (i.e. 0010 or 0000).
step size = Vref. / (2^Resolution)
(2^Resolution) referred to Number of levels (Quantization).
Vref.=5Volt. in 2 bit ADC so Step = 5/2^2=5/4=1.25 Volt
so ADC will have 4 different digital values(4 Levels) corresponding to analog signals of (0 , 1.25 , 2.5 , 3.75 , 5 Volt)
DAC is unable to produce its Vref. (Max. Voltage) as it is saturated at (Vmax-Step) which means the last level (digital representation) will be the same for (Vmax-Step) to (Vmax).
Ex: ADC , Vref = 5V , Resolution:8 Bit , Digital Value = 1111 1111
Analog Value = 255 * (5/256) = 4.9804 Volt => ( 5 - 0.0195 ) => (Vmax.-Step)
-Increasing ADC resolution means increasing ADC accuracy.
-Increasing Vref. means increasing measurement range.
Vref. Calculations:
Vref is determined according to:
1- Max. Volt. will be measured from a sensor/transducer should be less than or equal Vref. of an ADC.
2- Generated Error in measurement. as when a sensor generates a max. volt of 2 is used with 2 bit ADC with Vref. =5 this will make a step of ( 5/4)=1.25 volt. which means that the ADC will only sense 0 and 1.25 Volt of the sensor ! which means a high error in reading the sensor's reading.But, if the same ADC is used with Vref. =2Volt that makes the Step=2/4=0.5 volt so the ADC will sense the 4 levels for the sensor's reading (0,0.5,1.5,2)!
Problems with Ramp. Counter ADC:-
1- Increasing counter clock will increase the error in reading the digital representation as the counter will continue to count above the desired digital representation as a result of the delay between moving the digital representation from counter to DAC to convert it to an analog signal to be compared with the desired signal.
2- Increasing counter clock will decrease conversion time and as a result conversion time is not constant.
2- Successive Approximation ADC (SAR ADC) :-
It has 3 main Components:
1- SAR "Successive Approximation Register"
2- Comparator
3- Control Unit
The main idea depends on :
if Analog Volt. (DAC Output) > Vin so the corresponding bit is cleared otherwise it's kept as 1.
Steps: (Assuming: 8 Bit SAR ADC , Step Size=10 mV, Vin=1Volt.):-
1- Starts with binary 1000 0000 (128 in decimal)=> Analog Volt = 128 * 10 mV = 1.28 Volt. > Vin
so bit 7 is cleared(dropped).
2- 0100 0000 (64 in decimal) => Analog Volt = 64 * 10 mV=640 mV < Vin so bit 6 kept as 1.
3- 0110 0000 (96 in decimal) => Analog Volt=96*10 mV=960 mV < Vin so bit 5 kept as 1.
4- 0111 0000 (112 in decimal) => Analog Volt= 112*10mV=1.12 V > Vin so bit 4 is cleared.
5- 0110 1000 (108 in decimal) => Analog Volt=108*10mV=1.08V > Vin so it 3 is cleared.
6- 0110 0100 (100 in decimal) => Analog Volt=100*10mV=1V = Vin so bit 2 is kept as 1.
7- 0110 0110 (102 in decimal) => Analog Vol=102*10mV=1.02mV > Vin so bit 1 is cleared.
8- 0110 0101 (101 in decimal) => Analog Vol=101*10mV=1.01 mV > Vin so it 1 is cleared.
9- 0110 0100 is the final representation of 1Volt. input.
Result After 8 Clock Cycles:
so 1 Volt = > 0110 0100
Conversion time is constant.
Comparison between Ramp. Counter ADC and SAR ADC:
3- Flash ADC
4- Integrator ADC
ADC peripheral in ATmega32:-
0.5 LSB Integral Non-linearity:
-Integral Non-linearity :
the maximum deviation of the ADC transfer function from the best fit line.
Steps size is not equal as a result of using resistors in DAC internally in the ADC this accumulated error in reading called Integral Non-linear error and equals 0.5 Least significant bit (half step) (Integral Non-linearity is expressed in LSBs) because the difference between two levels will happen in the LSB ex: 0000(level 0 on 0V) -> 0001(Level 1 on full step +/- half step) (the change happened is the LSB).
+/-2 LSB Absolute Accuracy:
as a result of 0.5 LSB Integral Non-linearity, the absolute error in conversion may happen in the least two significant bits.
13uSec to 260uSec Conversion time:
as the SAR ADC based on SAR timer which works with a clock with a prescalar so this prescalar varies the conversion time from 13 Microsecond (Fast conversion) to 260 Microsecond (Slow Conversion).
Up to 15 kSPS at Max. Resolution:
At Max. Resolution the ADC(10 bits) can convert 15 Kilo Sample per second (kSPS).
which means Max. Frequency of a signal that can be converted is 7.5 kHz according to Nyquist theory " Sampling frequency should be equal or greater than 2*signal Frequency". That ADC can convert human voices which have max. frequency of 4 kHz.
8 Multiplexed Single-Ended Input Channel:
means that there's only one ADC chip but the input of that ADC is branched to 8 channels on 8 pins with a multiplexer that determines which one will be the ADC input (only one at a time).
7 Differential Input Channels:
means we can use two pins to convert the difference between them to a digital value.
use case: measuring negative voltage, we can use two pins to do so.
2 Differential Input Channels with Optional Gain of 10x and 200x:
means we can use two pins to convert the difference between them then multiply it with a gain of 10 or 200 then convert that last value. we can use this feature to amplify a sensor's output.
Optional Left Adjustment for ADC Result Readout:
as the ADC is 10-bit resolution, it occupies two 8 bit registers but we can use only 10 bits starting from the right (right adjusted) or 10 bits starting from the left (left adjusted).
0-Vcc ADC Input Voltage Range
Selectable 2.56 V ADC Reference Voltage
Free Running or Single Conversion Mode:
Free Running means you need only to enable the ADC and conversion will automatically happen and continues and a programmer should read conversion result continuously if needed.
Single Conversion Mode means it only converts one time only then stops.
ADC start Conversion by Auto Triggering on Interrupt Sources:
means ADC will start conversion when a specific interrupt occurs.
Interrupt on ADC Conversion Complete:
means ADC will generate an interrupt when conversion is completed.
Sleep Mode Noise Canceler:
means that the ADC can be used to wake the micocontroller from the sleep mode with a specific value on ADC pin and the ADC can differentiate between noise and the analog signal using this mode.
ADC Driver (ATmega32):-
* Polling -Blocking cod: lines of a code block the remaining code from execution until those lines are executed first. i.e: while (flag==1);
*Polling-Non Blocking: polling on a flag during the code but not blocking the remaining code. i.e:
if (flag==1) { /*Code1*/} else {/*Code2*/}
* Non-Blocking (using Interrupts)
* Interrupt Saturation: entering nested interrupts for a long time preventing executing the main code.
1- ADC_init(void): initializes the following according configuration :
Vref. , ADC Presecaler , ADC Adjustment , Enable ADC
2- getADCBlocking(u8 ADC_Channel , u8 * Copy_pu8ADCReading ) :
A- Select ADC Channel
B- Start Conversion
C- Wait until conversion finished
D- Read ADC
3- getADCNonBlocking(u8 ADC_Channel , u8 * Copy_pu8ADCReading ):
A- Select ADC Channel
B- Start Conversion
C- Read ADC from ADC ISR
4- ADC_Refresh(void):
A- Start Conversion of a specific channel / first channel
B- when the first conversion finished, conversion value should be stored in ADC ISR execution and the second channel conversion should start and repeat this for a giver channels number.
5- ADCSetCallBack(void (*vPtr)(void)):
executes a specific function when conversion finishes.
Configurations :-
- prescalar
-resolution=> 8 or 10 bits
-Vref => internal , internal/2 , external
- Number of active channels
- start channel
- end channel
- Adjustment (Right Adjusted or Left Adjusted)
used to convert Analog signals to digital value.
Types of ADC:
1- Ramp Counter ADC:-
The idea behind this type of ADCs is that:
The Counter is Enabled by Zero (Active LOW). When the desired signal (Vin) > DAC output(which is a voltage too) the comparator output is Zero (0) Enabling the timer to continue to count. When the desired signal is equal to the DAC output, the comparator output is 1 disabling the counter from counting. The last value in the Counter is the digital representation of the analog signal.
The step size is the voltage difference between one digital level (i.e. 0001) and the next one (i.e. 0010 or 0000).
step size = Vref. / (2^Resolution)
(2^Resolution) referred to Number of levels (Quantization).
Vref.=5Volt. in 2 bit ADC so Step = 5/2^2=5/4=1.25 Volt
so ADC will have 4 different digital values(4 Levels) corresponding to analog signals of (0 , 1.25 , 2.5 , 3.75 , 5 Volt)
DAC is unable to produce its Vref. (Max. Voltage) as it is saturated at (Vmax-Step) which means the last level (digital representation) will be the same for (Vmax-Step) to (Vmax).
Analog Value = Digital Representation * Step
Ex: ADC , Vref = 5V , Resolution:8 Bit , Digital Value = 1111 1111
Analog Value = 255 * (5/256) = 4.9804 Volt => ( 5 - 0.0195 ) => (Vmax.-Step)
-Increasing ADC resolution means increasing ADC accuracy.
-Increasing Vref. means increasing measurement range.
Vref. Calculations:
Vref is determined according to:
1- Max. Volt. will be measured from a sensor/transducer should be less than or equal Vref. of an ADC.
2- Generated Error in measurement. as when a sensor generates a max. volt of 2 is used with 2 bit ADC with Vref. =5 this will make a step of ( 5/4)=1.25 volt. which means that the ADC will only sense 0 and 1.25 Volt of the sensor ! which means a high error in reading the sensor's reading.But, if the same ADC is used with Vref. =2Volt that makes the Step=2/4=0.5 volt so the ADC will sense the 4 levels for the sensor's reading (0,0.5,1.5,2)!
Problems with Ramp. Counter ADC:-
1- Increasing counter clock will increase the error in reading the digital representation as the counter will continue to count above the desired digital representation as a result of the delay between moving the digital representation from counter to DAC to convert it to an analog signal to be compared with the desired signal.
2- Increasing counter clock will decrease conversion time and as a result conversion time is not constant.
2- Successive Approximation ADC (SAR ADC) :-
It has 3 main Components:
1- SAR "Successive Approximation Register"
2- Comparator
3- Control Unit
The main idea depends on :
if Analog Volt. (DAC Output) > Vin so the corresponding bit is cleared otherwise it's kept as 1.
Steps: (Assuming: 8 Bit SAR ADC , Step Size=10 mV, Vin=1Volt.):-
1- Starts with binary 1000 0000 (128 in decimal)=> Analog Volt = 128 * 10 mV = 1.28 Volt. > Vin
so bit 7 is cleared(dropped).
2- 0100 0000 (64 in decimal) => Analog Volt = 64 * 10 mV=640 mV < Vin so bit 6 kept as 1.
3- 0110 0000 (96 in decimal) => Analog Volt=96*10 mV=960 mV < Vin so bit 5 kept as 1.
4- 0111 0000 (112 in decimal) => Analog Volt= 112*10mV=1.12 V > Vin so bit 4 is cleared.
5- 0110 1000 (108 in decimal) => Analog Volt=108*10mV=1.08V > Vin so it 3 is cleared.
6- 0110 0100 (100 in decimal) => Analog Volt=100*10mV=1V = Vin so bit 2 is kept as 1.
7- 0110 0110 (102 in decimal) => Analog Vol=102*10mV=1.02mV > Vin so bit 1 is cleared.
8- 0110 0101 (101 in decimal) => Analog Vol=101*10mV=1.01 mV > Vin so it 1 is cleared.
9- 0110 0100 is the final representation of 1Volt. input.
Result After 8 Clock Cycles:
so 1 Volt = > 0110 0100
Conversion time is constant.
Comparison between Ramp. Counter ADC and SAR ADC:
3- Flash ADC
4- Integrator ADC
ADC peripheral in ATmega32:-
0.5 LSB Integral Non-linearity:
-Integral Non-linearity :
the maximum deviation of the ADC transfer function from the best fit line.
Steps size is not equal as a result of using resistors in DAC internally in the ADC this accumulated error in reading called Integral Non-linear error and equals 0.5 Least significant bit (half step) (Integral Non-linearity is expressed in LSBs) because the difference between two levels will happen in the LSB ex: 0000(level 0 on 0V) -> 0001(Level 1 on full step +/- half step) (the change happened is the LSB).
+/-2 LSB Absolute Accuracy:
as a result of 0.5 LSB Integral Non-linearity, the absolute error in conversion may happen in the least two significant bits.
13uSec to 260uSec Conversion time:
as the SAR ADC based on SAR timer which works with a clock with a prescalar so this prescalar varies the conversion time from 13 Microsecond (Fast conversion) to 260 Microsecond (Slow Conversion).
Up to 15 kSPS at Max. Resolution:
At Max. Resolution the ADC(10 bits) can convert 15 Kilo Sample per second (kSPS).
which means Max. Frequency of a signal that can be converted is 7.5 kHz according to Nyquist theory " Sampling frequency should be equal or greater than 2*signal Frequency". That ADC can convert human voices which have max. frequency of 4 kHz.
8 Multiplexed Single-Ended Input Channel:
means that there's only one ADC chip but the input of that ADC is branched to 8 channels on 8 pins with a multiplexer that determines which one will be the ADC input (only one at a time).
7 Differential Input Channels:
means we can use two pins to convert the difference between them to a digital value.
use case: measuring negative voltage, we can use two pins to do so.
2 Differential Input Channels with Optional Gain of 10x and 200x:
means we can use two pins to convert the difference between them then multiply it with a gain of 10 or 200 then convert that last value. we can use this feature to amplify a sensor's output.
Optional Left Adjustment for ADC Result Readout:
as the ADC is 10-bit resolution, it occupies two 8 bit registers but we can use only 10 bits starting from the right (right adjusted) or 10 bits starting from the left (left adjusted).
0-Vcc ADC Input Voltage Range
Selectable 2.56 V ADC Reference Voltage
Free Running or Single Conversion Mode:
Free Running means you need only to enable the ADC and conversion will automatically happen and continues and a programmer should read conversion result continuously if needed.
Single Conversion Mode means it only converts one time only then stops.
ADC start Conversion by Auto Triggering on Interrupt Sources:
means ADC will start conversion when a specific interrupt occurs.
Interrupt on ADC Conversion Complete:
means ADC will generate an interrupt when conversion is completed.
Sleep Mode Noise Canceler:
means that the ADC can be used to wake the micocontroller from the sleep mode with a specific value on ADC pin and the ADC can differentiate between noise and the analog signal using this mode.
ADC Driver (ATmega32):-
* Polling -Blocking cod: lines of a code block the remaining code from execution until those lines are executed first. i.e: while (flag==1);
*Polling-Non Blocking: polling on a flag during the code but not blocking the remaining code. i.e:
if (flag==1) { /*Code1*/} else {/*Code2*/}
* Non-Blocking (using Interrupts)
* Interrupt Saturation: entering nested interrupts for a long time preventing executing the main code.
1- ADC_init(void): initializes the following according configuration :
Vref. , ADC Presecaler , ADC Adjustment , Enable ADC
2- getADCBlocking(u8 ADC_Channel , u8 * Copy_pu8ADCReading ) :
A- Select ADC Channel
B- Start Conversion
C- Wait until conversion finished
D- Read ADC
3- getADCNonBlocking(u8 ADC_Channel , u8 * Copy_pu8ADCReading ):
A- Select ADC Channel
B- Start Conversion
C- Read ADC from ADC ISR
4- ADC_Refresh(void):
A- Start Conversion of a specific channel / first channel
B- when the first conversion finished, conversion value should be stored in ADC ISR execution and the second channel conversion should start and repeat this for a giver channels number.
5- ADCSetCallBack(void (*vPtr)(void)):
executes a specific function when conversion finishes.
Configurations :-
- prescalar
-resolution=> 8 or 10 bits
-Vref => internal , internal/2 , external
- Number of active channels
- start channel
- end channel
- Adjustment (Right Adjusted or Left Adjusted)
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